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Laudato Si

June 2024

The school grounds and surrounding roads are looking extra clean with all the litter picking the children have been doing. Great job everyone!

June 2024

Year 3 and 4s rendition of Laudato Si.


Still image for this video

June 2024

R Carle Singing Laudato Si!


Still image for this video

June 2024

This week in school we are celebrating Laudato Si. Laudato Si celebrates hope and challenge in responding to the call of the Earth and the Cry of the poor.

This year’s theme, Seeds of Hope, seeks to establish a connection between Laudato Si Week and the Season of Creation.

Year 2 have started off the week by litter picking locally. Well done Year 2!

June 2024

Laudato Si, o mi Signore!

Laudato Si, o mi Signore!

Laudato Si, o mi Signore!

Thank you for the earth, our Mother

She who feeds us and sustains us

For her fruits, her grass, her flowers

For the mountains and the oceans
