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Local Governing Body (LGB)

To contact the Chair of Governors/Governing Body, a letter can be hand delivered to the school office marked for their attention or it can be emailed to them via the school office:


Copies of Governing Body minutes are available to view at the school office.

St John Fisher Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy School

Local Governing Body (LGB) 2024/2025


Name: Mrs Bernadette McNamara

Type: Foundation Governor (Diocese)

Term Start: 01/09/2024

Term End: 31/08/2028

Position: Chair of Governors

Committees: LGB / Resources (Chair) / Pay / Appeals / Headteacher’s Performance

Link Role: Governors Fund, Pay Committee

Register of interests: None

Attendance for 2023/24: 8 of 9 meetings


Name: Mr Simon D’Cruz

Type: Foundation Governor (Diocese)

Term Start: 01/09/2024

Term End: 31/08/2028

Position: Vice Chair of Governors

Committees: LGB / Resources (Chair)

Link Role: Finance

Register of interests: None

Attendance for 2023/24: 7 of 7 meetings


Name: Fr Graham Stokes

Type: Foundation Governor (Diocese)

Term Start: 01/09/2024

Term End: 31/08/2028

Committees: LGB / Curriculum (Chair)

Link Role: Religious Education and Collective Worship

Register of interests: None

Attendance for 2023/24: 7 of 7 meetings


Name: Mrs Michelle Tauro

Type: Foundation Governor (Diocese)

Term Start: 01/06/2022

Term End: 31/05/2026

Committees: LGB / Resources

Link Role: Premises, Health & Safety

Register of interests: None

Attendance for 2023/24: 7 of 7 meetings


Name: Mrs Janet Mote

Type: Foundation Governor (Diocese)

Term Start: 01/10/2024

Term End: 31/08/2028

Committees: LGB / Curriculum (Vice Chair)

Link Role: SEND, Inclusion

Register of interests: North Harrow Community Library - Trustee. 

Attendance for 2023/24: 7 of 7 meetings


Name: Mrs. Ann Brownsell

Type: Co-opted

Term Start: 01/10/2024

Term End: 19/05/2026

Committees: LGB / Curriculum (Vice Chair)

Link Role: Safeguarding, EYFS and English

Register of interests: North Harrow Community Library - Trustee. 

Attendance for 2023/24: 7 of 7 meetings


Name: Mrs. Sorina Purice

Type: Staff Governor (Assistant Headteacher)

Term Start: 01/09/2023

Term End: 31/08/2027

Committees: LGB / Curriculum

Link Role: Staff Wellbeing

Register of interests: None

Attendance for 2023/24: 7 of 7 meetings


Name: Mrs Mira Khambay

Type: Appointed Parent Governor

Term Start: 01/10/2024

Term End: 31/08/2028

Committees: Resources

Link Role: Racial Justice and Diversity and Staff Wellbeing

Register of interests: None

Attendance for 2023/24: n/a


Name: Mrs. Nina Pignatiello

Type: Headteacher/Governor

Committees: LGB / Curriculum / Resources / Admissions / Pay

Position: Headteacher

Register of interests: None

Attendance for 2023/24: 10 of 10 meetings


Associate Member

Name: Ms. Siobhan Perth

Type: Associate Member

Term Start: 22/04/2022

Term End: 21/04/2026

Committees: LGB / Curriculum

Link Role: Mathematics

Register of interests: None

Attendance for 2023/24: 6 of 7 meetings


As of September 2024, there is:
One Foundation Governor (Diocese) vacancy


Governors who have left the LGB within the last 12 months

Name: Mr. John Steinitz

Type: Foundation Governor (Diocese)

Term Start: 01/09/2020

Term End: 31/08/2024

Position: Vice Chair of Governors

Committees: LGB / Resources (Vice Chair) / Appeals

Link Role: Safeguarding, Well-being, Admissions 

Register of interests: Director at Heathlands & Whitefriars Federation

Attendance for 2023/24: 7 of 7 meetings


Name: Mrs. Claire Mendonca-Yeboah

Type: Appointed Parent Governor

Term Start: 22/04/2022

Term End: 21/04/2026

Committees: LGB / Resources

Link Role: Arts

Register of interests: None

Attendance for 2023/24: 5 of 6 meetings
