School Curriculum Statement
Our vision and values at St John Fisher drive our curriculum;
St. John Fisher Catholic Primary School provides a Catholic Education for all of its pupils. The Gospel values of Faith, Love, Hope, Wisdom, Courage, Justice and Respect are central to all that we do. They help ensure that all children are loved, feel secure and achieve. At St John Fisher we value the uniqueness of each individual and in so, we ensure that each child’s natural curiosity grows and that all children thrive and flourish. The school seeks to build upon the teaching started by parents and the Church and through this partnership the mission of St John Fisher is fulfilled:
‘Growing and Learning Together with Christ’
This Curriculum Intent has been developed with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the forefront. This convention establishes and builds shared values for Rights and how they are respected throughout the whole school. Article 28 – Children have a right to an education.
We offer a knowledge rich, progressive and purposeful curriculum where children are provided with opportunities to learn new information and where the teaching style allows, for knowledge to be embedded, remembered and recalled. Core skills are built on daily. This enables children to be: Spiritually enlightened, Mentally and emotionally happy, Culturally literate individuals with Social competence and Masters of core skills.
Our Curriculum Model
At the centre of our curriculum, we have our St John Fisher Learner and the community. The model below shows our curriculum drivers which all stakeholders have identified as key for our children’s development. Surrounding this, are Our Gospel Values, these permeate school Life: Faith, Love, Hope, Courage, Wisdom, Justice and Respect. We aim to incorporate these values and their associated behaviours in all aspects of school life. The next layer shows the keys skills we are focused on mastering throughout each child’s educational journey. These underpin our curriculum at St John Fisher and are in Line with our commitment to providing a Catholic Education. These concepts are taught through a variety of interesting and exciting topics and themes. Finally, the Outer edge shows that all learning is underpinned by Rich experiences. These experiences hold the curriculum together.
We are committed to enabling our children to be confident learners by developing a range of key learning skills: Creative thinking, Risk Taking, Self-managing, Perseverance and Collaboration. The curriculum provides for the development of skills, knowledge, understanding and values. The child’s natural curiosity and powers of learning are developed and fostered through a range of rich experiences.
We aim to motivate and inspire pupils through high quality and creative teaching and learning which is innovative and aspires children to use the most up to date methods, approaches and technology which also allows for knowledge to stick. At St John Fisher, we teach pupils to take responsibility for their own actions; children learn that they have choices and learn to evaluate the consequences of the choices they make.
We want our children to leave St John Fisher Spiritually enlightened, academically successful, mentally and emotionally happy and culturally literate individuals with social competence. We encourage all children to foster high aspirations and encourage positive self-esteem. We want our children to choose careers that enable them to demonstrate and share the Gospel values through their work as Leaders in the community. All members of the school community, including pupils, staff, governors, parents and the parish, recognise that they hold a stake in St John Fisher Catholic Primary School; we are committed to establishing a life-long love of learning, enabling our children to take their place confidently within a rapidly changing world.
If you have any questions about our curriculum, please contact the Deputy Headteacher Mrs Thomspon via the school office.