School Travel
November 2021
Reception children are learning all about crossing the road safely to mark the beginning of our Road Safety Week!

Year 6 Level 2 Cycle Training:
From Monday 22nd November to Friday 26th November, 30 Year 6 pupils took part in Bikeability Cycle Training. This training is designed to give children the skills and experience to cycle safely and confidently and children who take part tend to cycle more. The training involved cycling in both an off-road playground environment and on roads around the vicinity of the school. Well done to all the pupils who took part and thank you to Cycle Confident for carrying out the training.
Junior Travel Ambassadors – 2021-2022:
After some very impressive letters of application, the following Year 5 pupils have been appointed Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs). Well done to: Adol, Priya, Elisa, Sophie, Holly, Kiara, Grace, Anastasia, Oscar, Aiden W and Aiden D’S. They will join Hannah, Rosie, Maya, Desiree and Nidhi who were appointed to the role last year. The children will carry out a number of roles including: conducting surveys, running competitions, organising the ‘Golden Lock’, delivering newsletters to residents, organising WoW charts and stickers and supporting during Road Safety Week and Bike to School Week.
Walk Once a Week (WOW) Results at St. John Fisher
Walk Once a Week (WOW) Results at St. John Fisher – November 2021: Well done to all the pupils who walked, cycled or scooted to school. 501 stickers have been awarded altogether which means approximately 80% of pupils chose active forms of travel at least one a week throughout November.
Class | Stickers Awarded | Class | Stickers Awarded | Class | Stickers Awarded |
RR | 15 | 2C | 28 | 4R | 29 |
RC | 20 | 2S | 29 | 5C | 27 |
RS | 19 | 3R | 21 | 5S | 25 |
1R | 24 | 3C | 19 | 5R | 19 |
1C | 25 | 3S | 26 | 6C | 26 |
1S | 28 | 4C | 21 | 6S | 24 |
2R | 27 | 4S | 23 | 6R | 26 |
Walk Once a Week (WOW) Results at St. John Fisher – October 2021: The results have been collated and stickers have been awarded to all the pupils who walked, cycled or scooted to school. 496 stickers have been awarded altogether and approximately 79% of pupils chose active forms of travel at least one a week throughout October. Have a look at how well each class did.
| Stickers Awarded | Class | Stickers Awarded | Class | Stickers Awarded |
RR | 23 | 2C | 21 | 4R | 30 |
RC | 20 | 2S | 30 | 5C | 27 |
RS | 20 | 3R | 25 | 5S | 25 |
1R | 21 | 3C | 23 | 5R | 24 |
1C | 25 | 3S | 26 | 6C | 28 |
1S | 26 | 4C | 26 | 6S | 28 |
2R | 24 | 4S | 26 | 6R | 22 |