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St John Fisher Catholic Primary School

Geography: Curriculum Statement

At St John Fisher Catholic Primary School we offer a Catholic Education to all of our children. We deliver a curriculum that allows for high quality education encapsulated by rich experiences, creative thinking, cultural knowledge and a wide breath of topics.


Rich experiences are achieved through practical experiences and field work. We believe first hand observations and outside classroom learning develops curiosity of the world, equipping children for future education. Fieldwork gives children the opportunity to explore their local area. Rich experiences sit in children’s long-term memory as children are able to think cognitively and make connections with what they have been taught, allowing for contextual understanding.


Creative thinking is achieved through thought provoking questions. We feel that children must be given opportunities to articulate and express their understanding. We prompt and aid children by sharing, displaying and reinforcing key geographical vocabulary as stated by the National Curriculum. As a rights respecting school we strongly feel that children must be given opportunities to express their thoughts and opinions of the world around them. Children must be allowed to understand the world they live in and by giving them geographical vocabulary this allows for the success of thoughtful vocalisation.


Cultural knowledge enables children to navigate through society. We teach children the Earth’s human and physical processes. We believe that children must be aware of different cultures, societies and changes over time (human and physical). Children must be given a depth of knowledge by being informed of the world they live in they are able to create their own opinions and beliefs. The understanding of events, topics and current worldwide situations aids views.


A wide breath of topics is built on knowledge. We provide a curriculum that deepens understanding and masters geographical skills. Mastering cores skills through the continual use of world maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping. We think it is important for children to use a wide range of resource so that they can locate, identify and view countries. It is important for children to be given plenty of opportunities to develop key geographical skills.


The children will be taught many geographical skills during their time St John Fisher Primary School.


At St John Fisher Catholic Primary School, our curriculum is shaped by realising the full potential of every child by fostering their security and happiness as complete persons regardless of each individual's starting point.


We use Oddizzi which is fully aligned with the National Curriculum, supported by clear progress and geographical skills. Teachers plan lessons using our whole school progression of skills map. Our progression of skills map shows our school’s desired outcomes. Coverage is broken across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, allowing for progression. Geographical skills are organised into 4 main themes: Locational knowledge, Place knowledge, Human and Physical Geography and Geographical skills and fieldwork, as suggested by the National Curriculum to support effective teaching and learning.


At the beginning of each topic children convey what they know. This informs the program of study. Success criteria are used during every lesson to guide children to achieve their full potential and to aid the mastering of core skills. Teachers actively mark lessons to address and identify misconceptions. Class discussions and collaborative activities provide children with opportunities to cognitively process their learning and use geographical vocabulary. Through clubs, such as Eco-Warriors, children are given the opportunity to take responsibility of their environment and collaborate with other passionate geographers. Geography provides children opportunities to investigate, analyse, observe and discover.


The discovery of learning is enabled through experiences and opportunities. It is important for children to fully immerse in all areas of geography. School trips, outdoor activities and exploration of our local area enhances children’s understanding of the world beyond their locality.



The outcomes of geography is the evidence of a broad and balanced curriculum, identifying key knowledge from the National Curriculum. As children progress throughout the school their knowledge will deepen and their curiosity will grow.


By the time children leave St John Fisher Catholic Primary School they will:

  • Become confident geographers, clearly discussing past and current topics.
  • Build on prior knowledge and develop geographical skills.
  • Gain an appreciation of their local area.
  • Acquire key knowledge of the world, the United Kingdom and their locality.
  • Explore outdoor learning environments: school grounds and the local community.
  • Have out-of-class leadership opportunities: Eco-Warriors.
  • Collaborate with each other: practical activities, fieldwork and rich experiences.
  • Reflect on their learning, expressing opinions and coming to conclusions.
  • Develop a curiosity to find out about the world and people.


The Leader for Geography is Namoi Von Hagt.
