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Collective Worship

May 2024

RE/Collective worship this week. The children have written prayers to Our Lady and learnt about Pentecost! #GrowingandLearningTogetherwithChrist

March 2024

Our CLAs led collective worship across the Reception classes today. #GrowingandLearningTogetherwithChrist

March 2024

In RE/Collective worship this week, we have had a special focus on St Joseph’s feast day and saying the Our Father in BSL. #GrowingandLearningTogetherwithChrist

March 2024

This week in RE/collective worship, children have written lentern prayers, learnt about Maunday Thursday including the last supper, the washing of the feet and the power of the words Jesus shared. #GrowingandLearningTogetherwithChrist

March 2024

This week in RE/Collective Worship we have shared class liturgies, Mother's Day prayers and class based learning about the season of Lent. #GrowingandLearningTogetherwithChrist

February 2024

This week in RE/collective worship children have thought about the Word for the week- Enthusiasm, made their Lenten promises and enjoyed songs of praise. #GrowingandLearningTogetherwithChrist

February 2024

This week in Collective worship/RE, the children have been reflecting on the season of Lent and their Lentern promises as well as belonging. Solidarity and the promotion of peace have been a focus in our Catholic Social Teaching lessons.#GrowingandLearningTogetherwithChrist

February 2024

This week in RE/collective worship, older children have led on collective worship with younger children, we’ve reflected during moments of spontaneous prayer and learnt about Judaism.


January 2024

This week in RE/collective worship, the children have reflected on the impression that Jesus and others have left on us and thought about how they have influenced us. Children have also reflected and prayed on the Racial Justice Sunday theme and celebrated our diversity in addition to reading miracle parables.


January 2024

This week in RE/collective worship, children have read the story of Noah’s Ark, acted out the gospel and sung their hearts out


Every week children take it in turns to lead collective worship with their class.  They choose how to gather and respond to The Word.

It is a time for reflection and thinking about our church's mission.

During the year each class invite their families to join them in a collective worship. Each class chose a focus for their worship and parents took an active part with their child.
