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Coronavirus Update

16th March 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

                                                                  Re: Coronavirus

As announced by the Prime Minister, there will NOT be a blanket closure of schools at the moment.

However, some very clear advice has been issued:

If your child shows symptoms of Coronavirus (persistent cough and/or high temperature) they are to stay at home for SEVEN days. Please inform the school if your child is self-isolating.  


Information website as follows:





At St. John Fisher Catholic Primary School, we are working through a staged and sensible risk assessment. The following measures will be implemented from Tuesday 17th March:


  • Additional cleaning program (in place)
  • Handwashing at regular intervals throughout the day (in place)
  • We will send children home for seven days if they are showing symptoms
  • We will use screening measures (thermometer) if we are worried about a high temperature
  • No large school gatherings e.g. school assemblies, Year 4 Easter Assemblies, 3R Assembly, Liturgies and Masses this side of the Easter holiday
  • Internal reorganisation of seating arrangements at lunchtime
  • All parent workshops/meetings will be cancelled this side of the Easter holiday:

       Spec Meeting 19.03.2020

              RSE Meeting 20.03.2020

              Nurturing Programme Thursday mornings

              Cork Exchange meeting 27.03.2020

              Easter Tea Afternoon 27.03.2020

              MAD show 25.03.2020

  • All trips are cancelled including Year 6 swimming, String Festival (Yr. 6 Osmington Bay still under review) 
  • We are asking parent volunteers not to come into school for the foreseeable future. This is to limit contact as far as possible. We appreciate the support you give to the school and look forward to welcoming you back into school in the future. 


We are taking the following measure to delay the spread of the virus and hope that parents support and understand why we are having to do this given this circumstance is unprecedented and very serious.


Thank you for your continued support,


Yours sincerely,


Maria Conlon

