School Logo

Catholic Life

Our vision and values at St John Fisher are guided by our Mission Statement:


"Growing and Learning together with Christ"




Vision Statement


St. John Fisher strives to offer all children an outstanding Catholic education with Christ at the centre.

 The gospel values and key skills that permeate school life, develop independent life-long learners who flourish.


Meet our Catholic Life Ambassadors:

Their duties consist of: creating and updating displays around the school, reading bible stories to younger pupils, leading Collective Worships in the lower year groups, leading assemblies, completing prayer table audits, encouraging all pupils, staff and families to be aware of current events and charitable causes that we may be involved in.

They also participate and help organise school masses and liturgies and converse with our local priests to plan special events.

House Saints

At Saint John Fisher Catholic Primary School, children learn all about our three saints, St. Clitherow, St. Romero and St. Southworth.

Our Houses are named after these saints and children are allocated a House when they begin their school journey. They then earn 'House Points' for demonstrating our School Gospel Values and being of service to the community. Children can also earn points for various school competitions and Sports Day events.
