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Year 5 Greek Day

On Wednesday 5th February 2020, Year 5 took part in an Ancient Greek Day at school.   The pupils came dressed in some fantastic Greek costumes. During the morning, they took part in a carousel of activities, including: soap carving; getting oil from olives, which they tested in oil burners; mosaic‐making; tile‐painting; creating medicine with which to treat their patients; and jewellery making, amongst others.  They produced some absolutely wonderful work and we were lucky to have the support of a group of parents who had to quickly become experts in their allotted crafts! In the afternoon, they had a choice of taking part in some dance or drama activities, which were then performed at the afternoon feast and celebrations.  At the same time, another group were trained to become Greek slaves, who served brilliantly during the festivities. The children and adults alike had a great day and learnt a great deal!  Thank you to all who helped, especially Mrs McKerracher who organised the food for the banquet.
